Air Transport

Air Transport
For rural, critical access hospitals like LifeCare, having reliable critical care transport services available is important for those patients needing higher level or specific services not available locally. In addition, to provide advanced and critical care transport services with its own paramedic units, LifeCare continues to partner with air medical agencies to provide the same fast, safe, high-quality air transport services the citizens of and visitors to Roseau County have come to expect.
LifeCare works with North Memorial Air Care to coordinate both scene responses and hospital-to-hospital transfers by rotor or fixed-wing aircraft. North Memorial will source transport aircraft from its own fleet as well as other cooperating agencies such as Altru, Sanford, LifeLink, and Guardian Flight, resulting in LifeCare’s patients always receiving the closest, most-appropriate air transport to hospitals in Grand Forks, Fargo, the Twin Cities, Rochester, and beyond.
Whether you’ve been evaluated by our physicians and nurses in the emergency department or our paramedics and EMTs at home or on the scene of an accident and need to be transported to a higher-level specialty center, you can count on LifeCare and its air medical partners to continue to provide the highest quality ground and air transport services.