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Drug Disposal

Medication Take-Back Day

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Prescription Drug Disposal

Medications are a common type of poison for children in homes. Unused or expired medications should be disposed of properly when they are no longer needed.

Accepted Substances

Accepted at any drop off point: Unused or expired prescriptions (controlled or non-controlled) or over-the-counter medicines, including:

  • Pills, tablets, caplets
  • Ointments, creams, lotions and powders
  • Inhalers, nebulizer solutions
  • Liquid medicines
  • Pain relievers (Vicodin, Hydrocodone, OxyContin, Fentanyl, Demerol, etc.)
  • Anti depressants (Valium, Zoloft, Prozac, etc.)
  • Sleep aids (Ambien, Lunesta, Sonata, etc.)
  • Vitamins
  • Herbal Supplements
  • Cosmetics

Drop Off Points

You can utilize these Roseau County drop off points anytime you need to dispose of unwanted or unused medications.

Roseau Police Department

Warroad Police Department

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